I’ve been back in SD for a week and a half now and I pretty
much love being home. But, there is one big gapping hole in my life that makes me
miss New York like no other.
And no, I’m not talking about my roommates.
I’m talking about the one and only Whole Foods.
If you have an extra hundred or so dollars burning a hole in
your pocket and have a strong desire to eat all-organic, free-range, vegan, or fair-market
food rather than the usual Kraft Mac ’n’ cheese, than Whole Foods is the place
for you.
There is no better place to pick up over-priced food that
you could have just grown in your own garden.
But, if you think my descriptions of it so far make it seem
like I’m mocking Whole Foods, you are 100% wrong. I worship at the eco-friendly
post-consumer recycled altar they have constructed.
I don’t know what kind of magic they weave but when everyone
else has wilted and colorless fruit and vegetables in mid-winter, Whole Foods
has produce of a better quality than you can get in South Dakota any time of the year.
Don’t even get me started on the meat and seafood. As
someone who typically avoids meat due to the texture and taste, every time I go
to Whole Foods I am almost lured into buying rump-roasts and pork-loins and
goat-medallions. They also have the type of seafood selection that someone like
me, who loves everything that comes out of the ocean, would die for. Lobster,
whole fresh fished, smoked fish, salmon salad, stuffed clams and whatever else
you could ever want.
So you don’t really want to make a meal? That’s fine. They
have an unbelievable selection of frozen dinners that taste delicious in spite
of the fact that they are gluten free/vegan/tofu or any other nasty kind of
food you could think of.
I’d be remise if I didn’t mention their lunch and dinner
buffets. I have to be honest, the buffet foods are mainly various salads made of
things like kale and butternut squash and look like something that should be
slopped into a pig’s trough BUT they are absolutely delicious!
Next time you are planning a vacation, don’t worry about
good hotels or shopping centers or tourist spots, just make sure they have a
Whole Foods and then go nuts!
Literally, go nuts. They have a ridiculous selection of
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